What do students get in Mathletics?
- What is Mathletics?
- 5 Simple Steps to Mathletics
- Mathletics Webinars
- Mathletics Teacher Console
- Mathletics Student Console
- Mathletics Parents/Home User
- Mathletics Administrator
- Mathletics Reporting
- Mathletics Rollover
- Mathletics Classroom Strategies & Tips
- Mathletics Classroom Printables
- Mathletics FAQ's
- Quick Tips
- 3 Essentials Dashboard
Below is a quick summary of what your students will have access to in their Mathletics Student Console.
- Curriculum-aligned courses with 100,000+ activities
- Pre and post-topic tests
- 700+ problem-solving and reasoning extension activities
- Live Mathletics – a real-time 60-sec quiz to build fluency
- Individual learning spaces with avatars, themes, and rewards
- Multiverse - a space adventure multiplication game
- Additional games - Meritopia, Rainforest Math, Play Paws
- Mathematics dictionary and videos