4. Homework that gets done
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Experts have said that engaging homework should encompass at least some of these characteristics:
- A certain level of novelty
- Requires students to use skills that they already know
- Is differentiated, based on skill levels
- Is manageable and doesn’t take too much time
- Focuses on a single skill or objective
- Provides an opportunity for success
Can be completed independently.
Teachers can use elements of Mathletics to assign homework that enhances the learning that meets the criteria above and gets done.
If your students have access to technology at home, you can assign homework that aligns with the skills that you have taught in class from the digital, gamified Activities and Skills Quests area. Differentiated work is given through Assign & Review in the teacher console. These digital resources are short and provide support resources for independent completion.
To assign personalised and meaningful homework, simply:
- Log into your Mathletics Teacher Console
Go to Assign and Review
- Select the Class and the Group for the assignment.
Select the Activity or Quest that you want to assign.
- Select the students you want to assign to.
- Assign.
Now students will see this assignment under the TO-DO tab in their console.
Foundational Maths Fluency
Is foundational maths fluency a concern? Your students could spend 15-20 minutes per night “playing” Live Mathletics and building that foundational automaticity. You can also control the level of challenge by setting minimum challenge levels. This is found under Settings in your teacher console. In the Live Mathletics settings, you simply set the differentiated minimum level for each student and then click Save. Now your students will have fun building those key skills.
You can monitor your students' homework completion by checking the Student Reports under the Reports tab in your teacher console. From there, you would select your class/group, set your timeframe, and select your student to see their details, including average accuracy.
If access to technology at home is an issue, consider assigning some of the unique printables for homework. All of these are found under the Resource Hub tab of the teacher console. Once you click on Mathletics Library within the Resource Hub, you will find e-books that contain blackline masters. Look for the pages with engaging, gamified practice activities that will interest your students.
You could also assign a page from the Rich Tasks booklets created by mathematics expert, Dr. Marian Small. These critical thinking questions are open-ended with a 'low floor and high ceiling’ that encourages students to think differently about maths and build a tolerance for multiple approaches and solutions.
Here’s how to assign them:
Click the ‘Resource Hub’ from the lefthand Menu, and select ‘Mathletics Library’
Click on Rich Tasks or Problem Solving in the Mathletics Library filters.
- Select a grade level (remember that it does not have to be the grade level that you are teaching).
Open the teacher booklet and scan the questions for one to print for your students.
- Make note of the amazing teaching resources that are provided for every question in every booklet.
Whichever you choose, these resources are almost guaranteed to be homework that gets done!
NEXT UP Activity data - understanding strengths and weaknesses